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In the final wash-up, the victors will be those that keep their cool and responded to whatever the challenges. Facing-up to issues confronting us, despite their unpleasantness, is a prerequisite of any success. Frog-kissing is an essential activity when developing a winning culture.Keep your cool. Most sporting teams can't afford to follow in Sinatra's footsteps. On his trip to Seoul to entertain US troops during the Korean War, Frank Sinatra made it quite clear to the organizers that his job was to sing: shifting the piano was not his job. Interest is heightened at the play-off and finals stage. We know already, however, what the ideas, messages, and lessons are likely to be. Winning teams usually demonstrate their preparedness to do what was necessary to get the outcomes they Nike Requin want. If only applying those was equally straightforward.Dr Neil Flanagan knows heaps about successful management and managing. The victors are usually those who are prepared to do what has to be done to achieve their desired outcomes. He has separated the practical ideas of management know-how from its entangling theory and jargon and made it available to you @ And while you're there, download a FREE gift, a FREE e-Topic, and sign-up for a regular newsletter that will link you to a worldwide network of people just like you. As Charles Darwin told us, 'It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.'Shift the piano. The late, great coach of the Green Bay Packers, Vince Zapatillas Puma Lombardi, emphasized the importance of doing the fundamentals well. This aphorism has been attributed to at least six ancient Greek gurus (none of whom played football), but it's message is just as relevant today as it ever was. On the football fields, the victors know that one of the areas that they can count on most is knowing themselves-particularly how they behave when the pressure is on and whom they could rely on.Remember Rule #6. Almost 2000 years ago, Epictetus brought to our attention that it's not what happens to us but what we do about it that counts. When the dust settles after a game, how much will your life change as a result of the final scores?No one doubts that watching the game is relaxing, enjoyable, and exhilarating. As they strive to build competitive and successful teams, coaches are always on the look out for better ways of doing things. The results should not be taken too seriously. Football or any sport is only a game. The paradox is, of course, that people managers in the corporate world look to the coaches of sporting teams for performance-improving ideas. Coaches that fail to instil in their teams the need to do the fundamentals well usually find themselves in charge of a losing team.Kiss your frogs. And if that involves shifting the piano, then so be it.Know thyself. Here are a few winning ideas for coaches and managers.It's all in the fundamentals. If you'd like more information about issues raised in this article, go to nike foot locker cartoon rose chaussures,cartoon tn air max hommesvendre et acheter tn nike cartoon chaussures hommes noir hook