
hove into site that goat grew pale and green with fright.He heaved

He loved that goat just like a kid.One day that goat, felt frisk and fine. Ate 3 red shirts, right off the line.The man, he grabbed him by the back and tied him to the railroad track.Now when the train, hove into site that goat grew pale and green with fright.He heaved a sigh as if in painAir Max France,; coughed up those shirts and flagged the train.There Ain't No Bugs On Me:You could spend an hour just making up new verses to this song. As far as action movements, I have seen people do this several ways.Nouveau TN Requin Pas Cher It is easy to figure out actions on your own for this song. Here's an example:red, it's the color of my head; green, it's the color of a bean; yellow, I'd rather swim in jello.You can have a lot of fun with these five songs. When you sing 'to see what he could see', put your hand up to your forehead like you are shading the sun, looking out for something.Here are the lyrics:The bear went over the mountain, (repeat 2 more times)To see what he could see. As you sing this song, have the kids pretend they are crawling along like bears. They could fill up a whole evening of campfire singing. (repeat 2 more times)The bear went over the mountain, (repeat 2 more times)To see what he could see.2nd verse:The other side of the mountain, (repeat 2 more times)Was all that he could see. It's good for them; not to mention fun! So here I have a few of my own suggestions; fun kids songs to sing around the campfire.The Bear Went Over the Mountain:The Bear Went Over the Mountain has all the elements of a good campfire song: movement, easy to learn and an outdoor theme. They would sing around the campfire and make up new verses to songs such as 'Clementine, Cindy, Sweet Betsy From Pike.'Here are the lyrics:There ain't no bugs on me.Oh, there ain't no bugs on me.There may be bugs on some of you mugsbut there ain't no bugs on me.CHORUSMosquito, you fly high.Mosquito, you fly low.If old skeeter lands on me,he ain't gonna fly no more!To make up new verses, just replace the underlined words, (bugs and mugs) for two other words that rhyme, such as bees and knees, or frogs and hogs. For more great tips and advice on fun kids songs visit http://www.bestcampingsongs.com. Just remember to have fun, and help the kids have fun, too.Roger Turner is a campfire song enthusiast. Kids especially like to help with new verses.The Ants Go Marching One By One:Sung to the tune, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," this song is great for kids. He is also the editor of The Great American Campfire Songbook. A leader sings the first phrase, (four syllables) and everyone else repeats after him.Here are the lyrics:There was a man, now please take note. This is also a call and response song. Choose some good fun kids songs to sing around the campfire. CampfireTN Requin Dollar Pas Cher singing is not only a fun part of camping, it is a good, wholesome social event for everyone, especially kids. There was a man, who had a goat.He loved that goat, indeed he did. In that respect, it has a lot in common with the old songs the cowboys and pioneers sang over 100 years ago. (repeat 2 more times)The other side of the mountain, (repeat 2 more times)Was all that he could see.Bill Grogan's Goat:Like the previous song, this one also has movement, an outdoor theme and is easy to learn. Unlike some of the other songs I've mentioned, most kids already know this one.Here are the lyrics:The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to suck his thumb,and they all go marching down, in the ground to get out of the rain, boom, boom, boom.Repeat, but now it's two by two and the little one stops to tie his shoe.We usually continue up through 10, but I'm sure you could go as high as you want (or have the patience for!)Jenny Jenkins:This is similar to 'There ain't no bugs on me,' in that you can make up new verses. It's about a fiance and his bride to be arguing about what she will wear for the wedding.Here are the lyrics:Will you wear white, o my dear, o my dear?Will you wear white, Jenny Jenkins?No, I won't wear white, cause the colors too bright.I'll buy me a foll dee roll dee till da toll deseek a double use a cause to find me.Roll, Jenny Jenkins, roll.Just replace the underlined words, (white, cause the colors too bright) with another color and a rhyme to follow it. When you go camping this year, be sure to prepare for your evening campfires. You can find over 80 campfire songs, including the ones in this article in The Great American Campfire Songbook..

