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Is it just a coincidence that you very rarely see a hairy sportsperson these days and that many of the world's top "speed" orientated competitors are bald? So it begs the question, does removing your facial and body hair increase your performance levels?Swimmers and cyclists have been known to remove hair to make their body more aerodynamic, the introduction of streamlined helmets and body suits have significantly reduced times in both those sports so much so, that any competitors not utilizing these aids are at a distinct disadvantage.After Zapatillas Puma some research I have come to the conclusion that removing your hair doesn't help you run faster, or there isn't enough evidence to prove it does. It does makes sense that a bald sprinter would have less air resistance than a person with a full head a flowing hair, but this increase in speed is miniscule and therefore, cannot make a huge difference.The main reasons sports people chose to remove their body hair are:If having a massage after competing, a hairless body is easier and more comfortable nike tn to massage both for the masseuse and the competitor.If a cyclist or long distance runner falls down, hairless legs are easier to clean and bandage and the healing process is faster.A hairless body is easier to get into a body suit, saves the pain of hairs being ripped out.Aesthetically a hairless body looks more attractive than a hairy one, and if competing at the top level sponsors may have certain requirements to the appearance of their competitors.Lastly if a competitor looks the part and feels more poised and self assured by having a hairless body then that confidence can give them the edge. Donelle has over 3 decades experiences in coaching and teaching teens in a wide range of sports and guiding many athletes to National Titles. Her involvement as a coach and mentor encompasses not only the physical side of a teens attributes, but also ensuring the embracement of the mental and emotional side of all her athletes lives. For the latest information and guidance for all coaches and parents involved with childrens/teens sport http://www.kidsgoingforgold.com. nouveau haussure Requin Nike cartoon,Max Air Tn Requin cartoonvendre et acheter tn nike cartoon chaussures hommes noir hook

